Code Vein Continuing After Final Boss

Endings forCode Vein contains different conclusions of the game that depends on the player's actions/choices made throughout a completed playthrough. These endings unlock different achievements and outcomes of the game's story. There are three endings, although Dweller in the Dark ending has an extra scene that counts toward a forth ending for the Determiner of Fate trophy/achievement, each ending grants a trophy/achievement - on the other hand, unlocking all four rewards you with the Determiner of Fate gold trophy/achievement.

Helpful Links:

  • Check New Game + to find out what happens for your next playthrough.
  • Check our Walkthrough page for detailed information on the main story of the game.
  • You may also visit the Game Progress Route page for a quick overview of how to progress through the game.

Endings in Code Vein


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  • Do NOT save any of the four Successors.
  • Walk through the door after the battle against a successor without speaking to their petrified body (which can only be spoken to if their vestiges were restored prior to defeating them)

In this ending, the Player is unable to control all the Relics inside their body, and begins his/her transformation into the Queen. Louis is then forced to stab the Player through the heart to kill them. After this event, Louis takes Silva's place in the throne to maintain the Red Mist, while Mia, Yakumo and Jack replace Nicola, Emily and Eva as Successors. Io is last seen resting on the same Bloodspring the player saw at the beginning of the game, where the Player's weapon now rests. She then turns to ash and dies.

"Heirs" is considered to be the bad ending of the game. To achieve this, walk past each successor and exit through the gate during each of their post-fight memories without restoring them. It is also the only route where you don't fight the final boss' second form.

To Eternity

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  • Restore both the vestiges and memory of at least one, but not all of, the successors.
  • Leave all but at least one of the successors in their petrified state
    • To do this, walk away from the petrified successor and pass through the door after viewing the memory of each successor boss.
    • So, to achieve this ending, restore the memory of 1-3 of the four successors

 In this ending, the Player takes Silva's place in the throne, and is now in charge of maintaining the Red Mist. Io lays down next to the unconscious Player, and eventually turns to stone.

"To Eternity" is the neutral ending of the game. To obtain this ending, save at least one successor by restoring all their vestiges before fighting them, then restoring their memory after the battle

  • An example is when you face the Successor of the Throat. Before facing her, you'll need to restore all of the Harmonia vestiges in order to unlock the option to restore their memory.

Dweller in the Dark

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  • Restore all vestiges of the successors before their respective boss fights, then, restore the memories of each successor by interacting with their petrified body during their memory.  DO NOT go through the large door at the end of each successors' memory.

In this ending, the Player tries to take the Relics inside Silva's body, but is stopped by Io, which then begins absorbing all the Relics into her body, including the ones inside Aurora, Karen, Nicola, Emily, Eva, Jack, and the Player themself. She then transforms into a massive Bloodspring tree that regularly produces Blood Beads, and maintains the Red Mist. The tree produces a single Amber Blood Bead that the Player uses to open a hole in the Red Mist, leading to the outside world. The Player, Louis, Yakumo, Mia and Murasame then go through the hole and leave. If you repaired every Eos Vestige before the final boss, you will unlock an additional scene where before leaving, the Player stops, looks back, and says Io's name.

"Dweller in the Dark" is often viewed as the true ending of the game. In order to achieve this ending, you'll need to save all four successors by restoring their memories after each battle against the successor. By doing that, you'll have to find their respective vestiges and repair them before heading into the boss fight. You'll find an Eos vestige outside of the crypt for each Successor after their battle, while the remaining are found in Provisional Government Center.

  • The additional scene with Io counts as a fourth ending, meaning to get the Determiner of Fate trophy/achievement you'll need to do Dweller in the Dark twice, once seeing the extra scene and one without.


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