What Is Corrosive Bad Agains Bl2

Guns from each manufacturer except Jakobs (those Luddites!) can besides come up equipped to deal elemental damage. Maliwan does one better, making every single one of its guns output elemental rounds. Fire rounds scorch and burn, making them ideal confronting unarmored, fleshy targets. Corrosive rounds consume away at difficult, fire-resistant surfaces, making them constructive confronting robots and armor. And Electric rounds apace overpower personal shield modules, disengaging shield protection and allowing free access to the sensitive, squishy areas of the would-exist shield user.

On weapons of white, commonplace rarity, you lot'll never come across an elemental holding unless the weapon is from Maliwan. On items of green or better rarity, you'll starting time seeing elemental effects one time you're above a minimum level. If you happen to get incredibly lucky and receive a unique elemental driblet before the minimum level for that effect to show upwardly on drops, y'all'll nonetheless get it.

Elemental weapons come equipped with a hazard to inflict the target with a horrific temporary result. Simply like with touch damage, if a fauna is vulnerable to a item type of damage (similar flesh creatures to burn), then they'll be more vulnerable to the possible damage-over-time effect. It will also be more than probable to go off in the first identify, and they'll resist less of the potential harm once their life is ticking abroad. Precious few enemies (thankfully) are entirely immune to damage-over-time effects, but lookout man peculiarly for Constructor Bots, which you volition learn to fear for that reason, amongst many others.

Fire.png Fire

Fire rounds may light the target on fire, causing them to burn and continue taking damage. Naturally, well-nigh living things have a deep distaste of being on fire, so this may likewise change their behavior. At the very least, you'll hear more screaming. Armored targets are Burn resistant. They'll take less bear upon harm from Burn down rounds, they're less likely to catch on fire, and they'll take less harm from the fire when they do. Fire, like Corrosive, is also pretty bad at whittling downwardly sophisticated shield technology. Burn elements appear on non-Maliwan and non-Jakobs weapons starting at level 7.

Shock.png Shock

Daze weapons chew through shields extremely fast, meaningfully quicker than other weapons. They may also electrocute the target for a few moments, dealing damage over time and potentially interrupting their actions, what with the electrocution they're undergoing and all. Besides the obvious usefulness of knocking out enemy shields so you can damage them more efficiently when they're unprotected, some enemies who are capable of cloaking depend on an active shield to draw energy from. No shield? No cloak. Shock elements appear on not-Maliwan and non-Jakobs gear starting at level 11.

Corrosive.png Corrosive

Corrosive weapons sizzle through even the best constructed fabric, making brusk work of loaders and armor plating. Caustic rounds accept a chance to get out their goop on the target, corroding further over several seconds. The doubling up of Corrosive impacts with ongoing Corrosion can aid you melt through loaders every bit though they don't represent billions of dollars of inquiry in robotics and artificial intelligence. Corrosive rounds deal diminished impairment to shielded targets. Corrosive elements appear on non-Maliwan and not-Jakobs gear starting at level 13.

Slag.png Slag

Since that last Vault opened, this regal goop is just everywhere, isn't it? Eridium approaches abundance now on Pandora, and although this resource can potentially power a lot of wonderful things, it can likewise ruin entire regions and unnaturally afflict people and wild animals. Some monsters have lived long plenty exposed to Eridium to have transformed into Slagged mutations of themselves, almost new creatures entirely. Normal Pandoran creatures exposed to Slag are only slightly better off—briefly Slagged creatures take double damage from all not-Slag damage sources! Slag elements appear on non-Maliwan and non-Jakobs gear starting at level fifteen.

Explosive.png Explosive

Explosive rounds also come up equipped on some guns, and they are obviously the norm on rocket launchers. (Every Torgue weapon uses Explosive rounds, although their gyrojet rocket projectiles piece of work a lilliputian differently.) Explosive impairment differs from regular, non-elemental kinetic ammunition in its boom radius, as well equally on the sheer force transferred. Explosive rounds explode on impact, unsurprisingly, dissentious anything they hitting and besides anything in the impact blast radius. The actual harm dealt with an on-target Explosive hit is slightly higher than what you'd wait based strictly on the damage value on an Explosive weapon's stat card. The raw explosive oomph is something the card doesn't completely account for.

Elemental Damage Multipliers - first playthrough

Impairment Type Impact Mankind Touch Armor Touch on Shield Slag Bonus
None (regular ammo) 1 0.8 1 2
Explosive one 1 0.8 2
Burn 1.5 0.75 0.75 ii
Shock 1 1 2 2
Corrosive 0.nine 1.five 0.75 2
Slag i one 1 ane

Elemental Damage Multipliers - 2d playthrough

Impairment Blazon Impact Mankind Impact Armor Affect Shield Slag Bonus
None (regular ammo) i 0.8 1 2
Explosive 1 1 0.8 2
Fire 1.75 0.four 0.4 2
Shock 1 1 2.5 2
Corrosive 0.half dozen 1.75 0.4 2
Slag 1 i 1 one


Source: https://borderlands-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Borderlands_2:Elemental_Effects

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